How to insert endnote in word 2013
How to insert endnote in word 2013

how to insert endnote in word 2013

If you click on an EndNote citation in your document, you will see that it is highlighted in grey. The reference will appear at the end of the document. The citation will appear in your document where the cursor was, e.g. Click the arrow beside Insert to bring up your options for formatting your citation and choose Insert & Display as: Author (Year).Type the author's surname, or some words from the title, or some keywords in the search box at the top left.Choose Insert Citation from the drop-down menu to open the Find & Insert My References window. Click on Insert Citation in the EndNote toolbar in word.Remember to leave spaces either side of where you are inserting this citation because it is in the middle of a sentence. Insert your cursor where you want the citation to appear.Sometimes the author's names are part of your sentence and you need them to appear outside the brackets for the citation. Insert an in-text citation – Author/s (Year) Select the correct reference from the list of possible matches that appear below the search box.Type the author's surname, some words from the title, or some keywords into the search box at the top left. The Find & Insert My References window will open.Choose Insert Citation from the drop-down menu. You will need to leave a space after the preceding word. Insert an in-text citation – (Author/s, Year) It will be sorted alphabetically by lead author surname. This list will appear at the end of the document.

how to insert endnote in word 2013

EndNote will build a bibliography/reference list for you as you insert citations. The Cite While You Write (CWYW) function allows you to insert references from your Endnote library into a Word document while you are writing. Sync, share and collaborate with EndNote.Useful functions for different types of literature reviews.Troubleshooting issues with your document.Edit a citation to use an acronym in place of an organisation's name.Edit a citation to add a pinpoint for a legal source.Edit an existing citation to add another citation to the same brackets.Insert multiple citations for a single quote.

how to insert endnote in word 2013

  • Create your EndNote library and save back-up copies.

  • How to insert endnote in word 2013