Format factory error 0x00000001 mp3
Format factory error 0x00000001 mp3

format factory error 0x00000001 mp3

For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly.

format factory error 0x00000001 mp3

This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. If the PC still can't enroll, look for and delete this key, if it exists: KEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\6985F0077D3EEB44AB6849B5D7913E95. If the following registry key exists, delete it: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OnlineManagement and all sub keys. Look for the Intune cert issued by Sc_Online_Issuing, and delete it, if present.

  • The account certificate of the previous account is still present on the computer.ĭouble-click Certificates, choose Computer account > Next, and select Local Computer.ĭouble-click Certificates (Local computer) and choose Personal > Certificates.
  • The computer has the cloned image of a computer that was already enrolled.
  • Error hr 0x8007064c: The machine is already enrolledĮnrollment fails with the error "The machine is already enrolled." The enrollment log shows error hr 0x8007064c.Ĭause: This failure may occur for one of these reasons: See Troubleshoot device enrollment in Microsoft Intune for additional, general troubleshooting scenarios. This article helps Intune administrators understand and troubleshoot error messages when enrolling Windows devices in Microsoft Intune.

    Format factory error 0x00000001 mp3